Autism & Behavioral Challenges
Autism and Communication in Toddlers
Autism Family Support Programs
Autism Guide-New Jersey Dept of Human Services (DHS)
Autism-Medicines and Your Child
Autism-Nutrition and Eating Problems
Autism Speaks - Transition Toolkit
Autism Spectrum Disorders-what every parent needs to know
Autism & Transitioning to Adulthood
Early Intervention Program (EIP)
School-based Services for Autism
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
What to discuss and expect during the Newborn check up with provider.
Information on what to expect during birth-1 month well visit with provider.
Information on what to expect and discussion points for 2 month well visit with provider.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 4 month well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 6 month well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 9 month well visit.
What to expect during the 1 year well visit with provider.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 15 month well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 18 month well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 2 year well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 30 month (2 1/2 year) well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 3 year well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 4 year well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 5-6 year well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 7-8 year well visit.
Expectations and topics of interest for the 9-10 year well visit.
Early Adolescent visit (11-14 years)
Issues, expectations and topics of interest for the early adolescent (11-14 year) well visit.
Issues, expectations and topics of interest for the 15-17 year well visit.
Issues, expectations and topics of interest for the 18-21 year well visit.
Feeding guide for babies and toddlers-First 2 years
Milestone moments from the CDC
Developmental milestones guide
Parent handbook for maintaining healthy weight in children.
Diet: CHOP tips for healthy eating
Nutritional tips from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Diet: Structured meals and snacks
Vaccine schedule guidelines for parents from the CDC/AAP (centers for disease control/american academy of pediatrics) for children ages 0-6.
Immunization Schedule Age 7-18
Vaccine schedule as recommended by the CDC/AAP (centers for disease control/american academy of pediatrics) for children 7 - 18 years of age.
Books on Issues Affecting Teens
Books on Sexuality and Disabilities
Health Care Information for Families of Children with Down Syndrome
Parent Action Transition Handbook (PATH)
Parental Rights in Special Education
Readiness Family Transition Tool
Readiness Youth Transition Tool
Special Education Rights in NJ
Toys-R-Us Special Needs Toy Guide
Transion Booklet Tween to Teen